Battle at Blaise: 5 Reasons To Start Trail Running!

Bristol’s newest 10k run is here - Battle at Blaise Trail Run!

Alongside our 7k Obstacle Course Race, we will also be holding a 6k & 10k trail run in the Beautiful Blaise Castle Estate - check it out here. So for this month’s blog, we’re talking all-things trail running and in particular why Bristol trail running is awesome! So here are 5 reasons why, if you're not already hitting the trails, you should be!

1) Trail running is beginner-friendly!

The beauty of trail running is absolutely anyone can do it, it’s the perfect outdoor running for beginners. You don’t need any specialist knowledge to get started, just head to your nearest trail and give it a go. If you need to walk in parts, that’s absolutely fine! Embrace the lack of structure and just fall in love with exploring the outdoors whilst getting active!

2) It’s the best type of running!

Now if you love road running or running on a treadmill then that’s absolutely fine but if like me, you struggle with the monotony of pounding the pavement, trail running is the total opposite! One minute you’re going uphill, the next your heading down, one minute you’re in a forest, the next you’re jumping across a small stream, it’s always different! Plus, you'll be so focused on where to put your next step, you won't have time to think about whether it's hard or not, it's a beautiful distraction!

3) Trail running is sociable!

There are some awesome running clubs around the country and in particular around Bristol! Use the England Athletics ‘find a club’ service to find your local trail runners! Most clubs will have weekly running sessions and are suited to complete beginners! Your gym may even have a running club, for example, our local gym, Workout Ashton is planning on hosting some evening running classes to help members prepare for our upcoming Battle at Blaise trail runs!

4) Bristol Trail Running is EPIC!

I may be slightly biased but I think we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to trail running in Bristol and it's surrounding areas! There are some absolutely awesome locations for it: the Mendips, Ashton Court, Leigh Woods, Blaise Castle and many more! Let the adventurer in you come out and get exploring all of these trail running routes!

5) You just need some trail running shoes!

Sure…as you progress and get more invested in running then you may want to invest in a running watch, potentially some running swag but to start with, all you really need is a reliable pair of trail running shoes and you’re good to go! The pair I have were relatively cheap and have been great so far, you can check them out here!

Ok you’ve convinced me…then what? All there’s left to do is sign up for a run!

Speaking of which…there’s a trail run coming up at Blaise Castle on 5th competitively or just for fun, individually or with friends! Run it your way!

Prices Rise on 15th August! Join the fun here!

By Luca Samara

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