Superhuman Sundays At CrossFit Fort Ashton

Last Sunday, we hosted the first ever Superhuman Sunday at CrossFit Fort Ashton and it was absolutely epic!

This gym is located just across the road from where the Superhuman Games takes place and is a gym that we've worked with closely over the years!

If you're in the Bristol area and need a place to train, be sure to check them out! A great facility with amazing members, coaches and an awesome atmosphere!

Here was the session:

Part 1 - Strength

12min EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)

Minute 1: Max Sandbag Over Shoulder (As Heavy As Possible)

Minute 2: Max Kettlebell Farmer's Hold (As Heavy As Possible)

Part 2 - Partner WOD - "You Go I Go"

9min AMRAP - 250m Row + 15m Bear Crawl With Kettlebell Push (12/8)

(Partner 1 completes all of the above then Partner 2 does the same, whilst partner 1 rests)

2mins Rest

9min AMRAP - 100m Run + 40m Bear Hug Carry (AHAP)

Why Superhuman Sundays?

The Superhuman-style of functional fitness has many similarities to CrossFit but still offers something novel to the average CrossFitter! We prioritise movements and pieces of equipment that you might not see in your typical CrossFit class, but we still love burpees, a good AMRAP and more!

Holding training sessions such as these gives people the perfect opportunity to challenge themselves in a slightly different way and spreads the word about the Superhuman-style of fitness that we all love and believe in! Plus, these training sessions are a super enjoyable way for us to interact with the functional fitness community!

CrossFit Fort Ashton have got a number of teams competing at this year's Games and we can't wait to see how they perform! No doubt, they'll bring it!

And Lastly...To All Gym Owners!

Have you entered your teams for the Superhuman Games yet?

Team Fort Ashton will be there! Will you?

Find out more here -



And you can find out more about CrossFit Fort Ashton here -

Instagram: @crossfit_fort_ashton

Facebook: @CrossFit-Fort-Ashton

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